IRILL - Research and Innovation on Free Software
IRILL, Paris

La prochaine séance du [GdT Programmation / séminaire IRILL ] est exceptionnellement mardi 22 novembre 2022 à 14h sur le campus Jussieu (salle séminaire, plateau Scai, Bâtiment Esclangon) :

Séance du mardi 22 novembre 2022, 14h-16h :

Manuel Serrano (Inria Sophia - INDES)

« Of JavaScript Ahead-Of-Time Compilation Performance »

Résumé :

JavaScript is particularly difficult to implement efficiently because most of its expressions have all sorts of different meanings that involve all sorts of different executions that are not distinguished by any syntactic or type annotation. The common intuition is that only JIT compilers can handle it efficiently because they can rely on heuristic-based strategies that require having the program and the data on hand. But static (AOT) compilers can speculate and use heuristics too! To demonstrate that, we propose Hopc, an AOT compiler for JavaScript, based on the following assumption:

The most likely data structure a program will use is the one for which the compiler is able to produce its best code.

Thus, contrary to most AOT compilers, Hopc does not rely on complex static analyses to optimize programs. It simply tries to generate its best code that it protects with guards. In this presentation, I will present its main optimizations and a performance analysis.

Lieu :

En chair et en os en salle séminaire, plateau SCAI, bâtiment Esclangon, 1er étage. 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris métro Jussieu (lignes 7 et 10)