IRILL - Research and Innovation on Free Software

Git and Debian Packaging

"Git and Debian Packaging"
by Joey Hess, Ansgar Burchardt, David Bremner,
on 2012-07-13 00:00:00
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Git will soon eclipse Subversion as the dominant version control system for packages in Debian. There are several well established helper tools, the most widely used being git-buildpackage, while git-dpm and gitpkg each have their partisans. This panel is intended to look at the usage of git in Debian at a high level, and hopefully help inspire people to work on improving some of the outstanding issues. Some topics to be discussed include exporting patches from git into a 3.0 (quilt) source package, whether some variant of a git based source package makes sense, the relationship between git commit messages and debian/changelog, and to what extent workflow and/or repo layout can and should be standardized.