IRILL - Research and Innovation on Free Software

Getting packages into Debian BoF

"Getting packages into Debian BoF"
by David Bremner,
on 2012-07-07 00:00:00
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The past year has seen a lot of changes to how we handle the newest package maintainers in Debian. We have new software at, and a new process for handling sponsorship requests. This talk will begin by summarizing the current state of things, and then open up to a BoF where attendees can discuss the current state and what changes ought to be made.

Getting packages into Debian BoF Debexpo, sponsorship-requests, debian-mentors, ITPs and more The past year has seen a lot of changes to how we handle the newest package maintainers in Debian. We not only have new software at, and a new process for handling sponsorship requests but also several lengthy discussions on which packages belong into Debian and what the implications of sponsored maintainer and DMs are. This talk will begin by summarizing the current state of things (15 minutes), and then open up to a BoF where attendees can discuss the current state and what changes ought to be made. Topics covered: Handling sponsoring requests as Debian bug reports past, present and future Which packages belong in Debian? How do/should we respond to ITPs Planning notes and eventual minutes: gobby -c / debconf12/bof/packages-into-debian