IRILL - Research and Innovation on Free Software

DebConf14 in your city

"DebConf14 in your city"
by Holger Levsen, Moray Allan, Gunnar Wolf Iszaevich,
on 2012-07-14 00:00:00
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Every year, the location for DebConf, the annual international Debian conference, is selected via a competitive bid process. Although we haven't got to DebConf13 yet, organising a conference isn't quick, so it's already time to start thinking about a location for DebConf14. We encourage everyone to think about whether their city would make a good DebConf location, and, if it would, to start working on a proposal. (You don't have to be heavily involved in Debian to organise a bid.) Interested? For more information see This panel will be your opportunity to describe your bid to the rest of the DebConf attendees. Although participating in the panel is not compulsory to take part on the bid decision process, it will help strongly show off the pros and cons of each possible venue.