IRILL - Research and Innovation on Free Software

Debconf Travel sponsoring BoF

"Debconf Travel sponsoring BoF"
by David Bremner, Gaudenz Steinlin, Tiago Bortoletto Vaz,
on 2012-07-10 00:00:00
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Open discussion about criteria for granting travel sponsoring.

People on the inside of the sponsorship process have lots of questions. People on the outside must have too. Getting travel sponsorship can make a big difference for many contributors wheter they can attend or not.

Questions to be discussed: What criteria should be applied for granting travel sponsorship requests? Should we consider need in granting travel sponsorship, and if so what should the process be? Should travel sponsoring requests be made public? Recently it was suggested to move the travel sponsorship for debconf to some group that would also handle similar issues for Debian at large. Is this a good idea? If so, how would it work? At the end of the BoF we also want to discuss how to proceed after the BoF. Ideally a team could be formed to define the process and do the actual work for next years DebConf.