IRILL - Research and Innovation on Free Software

Debug Info - Status and Directions

"Debug Info - Status and Directions"
by Eric Christopher, Google,
on 2013-04-30 00:00:00
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In the last few years clang and llvm have made great inroads as the default compilers in the open source world and in industry. It is now seeing daily use as the default compiler for all of the Apple ecosystem, FreeBSD, and as one of the compilers at Google. As a compiler matures and its user base expands the quality of the debug information output becomes more important. In the past users of clang and LLVM have had to deal with poor debug information, but in the last couple years the quality of debug information has improved greatly and in some cases we are pushing the boundaries of existing standards. We've made good progress with gdb testing and implementing DWARF4 including the extensions for C++11. Furthermore, we've implemented and are proposing for inclusion in DWARF5 support for split debug information and faster access to named debug entities.