A method for distributing applications independent from the distro
ARM v7 State of the Body
ARMv8, ARM’s new architecture including 64-bit
Being a good upstream - the syslog-ng PoV
Bootstrapping Debian-based distributions for new architectures
Bootstrapping the Debian/Ubuntu arm64 ports.
BuildSys and QA in CentOS using a Private Cloud: OpenNebula
Building RPM packages from Git repositories with git-buildpackage
Can Linux network configuration suck less?
Debian Med - a Debian Pure Blends for medical care and microbiological research
Distributing TeX and Friends - methods, pitfalls, advise
Emdedded distro shootout: buildroot vs. Debian
Gentoo BoF
Gentoo Hardened
How do we make "Qt on Mer" the solution of choice for device vendors?
Incompatibility and Pain - a perspective from upstream
Make Debian compiler agnostic - Building Debian with LLVM/Clang
Package management and creation in Gentoo Linux
Stable kernel maintenance for distributions
Understanding Gnome Internals To Administrate Desktop Debian Machine
Why you no host?
lmonade - a distribution for scientific software
openSUSE on ARM
systemd in Debian