IRILL - Research and Innovation on Free Software

The C2 Programming Language

"The C2 Programming Language"
by Bas van den Berg,
on 2013-02-02 00:00:00
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C2 is a new programming language that attempts to maintain the spirit of C, while considerably raising development speed. C2 also adds some great features and tools to C developers.

The C programming language has been around for a long time and C is one of the main 'open-source' languages that is used today. The C2 project attempts to build on the success of C, while keeping the spirit of C intact. C2 doesn't change the abstraction level (like C++/Java/etc), but it does change the way code is structured. This will greatly accelerate development cycles and at the same time increase run-time speed as well. One major change from C to C2 is the removal of the use of #include to access code in other files... This presentation at Fosdem 2013 will be the first ever to be given about C2.