For close to 30 years, GNU hackers have been creating a lot of free software. Each software componement of the GNU project is an important contribution to ensure that all software users have the freedom to control their computers. Free software use has been increasing, but impediments to its development still exist today. From copyright threats to patents, including treacherous computing, bundled sales of computer with software, FUD, the threats to net neutrality, ... the causes for concern are numerous. Free Software cannot develop fully without a benevolent political and legislative environnment. That is where April plays a crucial role, along with allied organisations. Its actions, thanks to its volunteers and its staff, is precious for everyone who produces and/or use Free Software. It is the organisation's small contribution to the Free Software movement. Jeanne and Frédéric will present April, how it operates, the current issues they are working on and the future perspectives. About April: Founded in 1996, April is the main French advocacy association devoted to promoting and protecting Free/Libre Software. Its goals are to promote Free Software towards individuals, institutions and companies in the French-speaking space, to protect the rights of Free Software users and authors, and to encourage knowledge sharing. April has greatly contributed to public awareness that computer freedom is a societal issue and that free software goes beyond technical issues.
Why Free Sofware Activism Matters For GNU Hackers By April — promoting and protecting Free Software
"Why Free Sofware Activism Matters For GNU Hackers By April — promoting and protecting Free Software"
by Frédéric Couchet, Jeanne Tadeusz,
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