App recommender in Debian
Ask the Leader
Bits from the DPL
Bits from the Release Team
Blending Debian
Bootstrapable Debian
Build your own modern app installer
Care-taking of Debian finances: assets and processes
Closing ceremony
Could we make desktop users need their local Debian geeks less?
DebConf in Debian BoF
Debian Events BoF
Debian Games BoF
Debian Med BoF
Debian Packaging with Git
Debian Rolling Bof
Debian Science Roundtable
Debian System Administrators Bof
Debian as though cryptographic authentication mattered
Debian dErivatives eXchange (DEX) BoF
Debian for Shy People
Debian-Edu: Current Status and Development Ideas for the next Decade
Debian-Women - The Past and the Present
Debian-Women BoF
Debian: coding for human rights?
Delivering Multi-Platform Applications
Derivatives Roundtable
Distributed Naming BoF
Fonts packaging BOF
Freedombox Progress Report
Google Summer of Code 2011 and Code-in 2010 at Debian
Issues with Deployment in Large Environments
Jigsaw Progress in Debian
Lightning Talks
Lintian BoF
Mass deployment BOF
Measuring Team Performance
Meet the Technical Committee
Multiarch in Debian: 6 months (or 6 years) on
Publicity BoF
Quality Assurance BOF
Quality requirements for software in Debian
Reports from changing the debian-mentors culture
Ruby in Debian
Sprint (and money) BoF
Test Driven Development in Debian BoF
The Debian sponsoring process
The Linux kernel in Debian
The Publicity Team and You
Welcome talk
You, the FTP Team and the NEW queue
buildd/wanna-build update
pleasure & pain: packages, policy and piuparts
the DPL wannabe (and HOWTO) BoF
use Perl;