A High Level Language For Low Level Code
Actionaz: Automation for everyone
Arduino: from prototype to final product
BIND 10: DNS by Cooperating Processes
Blkreplay - How to reliably evaluate storage systems
Borderlands, Granular Sequencer
Coding Goûter
Crypto.cat - Secure messaging for everyone
Do You Want To Measure Your Project
EDE, a light desktop environmnent
EasyTAG - Straightforward audio file tagging
Egov Testing Machine To Ensure Free Software Users Freedom To Access Egovernment Services
Fipes - Beating the sneakernet
FluxBB: Lightweight software - where does performance matter?
How To Hack On Wikipedia
I’m Luvin’ It
Jazzperiments - Interactive musical improvisation
Kolab Groupware
Managing your metal flexibly
Phone Liberation Parties
Protocols Are Everywhere Re With Netzob
STAR: a Python Pandas dressing
Searduino - Arduino simulator and C/C++ devel environment
Spoiling and Counter-spoiling
The C2 Programming Language
The LLVMLinux Project
Tracy - Linux system call tracing and injection API
Using Gerrit Code Review In An Open Source Project
Vehicular Traffic Estimation Through Bluetooth
Vendorificator - Vendor everything; stay sane.
ZONE: towards a better news feed
eTests - Formative evaluation using multiple choice questions
naxsi, an open-source web application firewall for nginx