IRILL - Research and Innovation on Free Software


A High Level Language For Low Level Code
A High Level Language For Low Level Code
Actionaz: Automation for everyone
Actionaz: Automation for everyone
Arduino: from prototype to final product
Arduino: from prototype to final product
BIND 10: DNS by Cooperating Processes
BIND 10: DNS by Cooperating Processes
Blkreplay - How to reliably evaluate storage systems
Blkreplay - How to reliably evaluate storage systems
Borderlands, Granular Sequencer
Borderlands, Granular Sequencer
Coding Goûter
Coding Goûter - Secure messaging for everyone - Secure messaging for everyone
Do You Want To Measure Your Project
Do You Want To Measure Your Project
EDE, a light desktop environmnent
EDE, a light desktop environmnent
EasyTAG - Straightforward audio file tagging
EasyTAG - Straightforward audio file tagging
Egov Testing Machine To Ensure Free Software Users Freedom To Access Egovernment Services
Egov Testing Machine To Ensure Free Software Users Freedom To Access Egovernment Services
Fipes - Beating the sneakernet
Fipes - Beating the sneakernet
FluxBB: Lightweight software - where does performance matter?
FluxBB: Lightweight software - where does performance matter?
How To Hack On Wikipedia
How To Hack On Wikipedia
I’m Luvin’ It
I’m Luvin’ It
Jazzperiments - Interactive musical improvisation
Jazzperiments - Interactive musical improvisation
Kolab Groupware
Kolab Groupware
Managing your metal flexibly
Managing your metal flexibly
Phone Liberation Parties
Phone Liberation Parties
Protocols Are Everywhere  Re With Netzob
Protocols Are Everywhere Re With Netzob
STAR: a Python Pandas dressing
STAR: a Python Pandas dressing
Searduino - Arduino simulator and C/C++ devel environment
Searduino - Arduino simulator and C/C++ devel environment
Spoiling and Counter-spoiling
Spoiling and Counter-spoiling
The C2 Programming Language
The C2 Programming Language
The LLVMLinux Project
The LLVMLinux Project
Tracy - Linux system call tracing and injection API
Tracy - Linux system call tracing and injection API
Using Gerrit Code Review In An Open Source Project
Using Gerrit Code Review In An Open Source Project
Vehicular Traffic Estimation Through Bluetooth
Vehicular Traffic Estimation Through Bluetooth
Vendorificator - Vendor everything; stay sane.
Vendorificator - Vendor everything; stay sane.
ZONE: towards a better news feed
ZONE: towards a better news feed
eTests - Formative evaluation using multiple choice questions
eTests - Formative evaluation using multiple choice questions
naxsi, an open-source web application firewall for nginx
naxsi, an open-source web application firewall for nginx